Update: Discount for women (cis or trans) and non-binary

I love my work. Every slave or sissy is different, with different interests and needs. And I have grown to never be surprised - to embrace every aspect of our fabulous sexuality.

Almost all of my slaves and sissies are cis men. For those who do not know the term see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisgender. I do rather love my 'boys' and 'gurls'. But I also crave more diversity.

Update: Now seeing all fully vaccinated slaves

A month ago I re-started sessions - but limited to established fully vaccinated slaves and sissies - https://msemilieoxford.com/2021/06/08/restarting-sessions-and-a-guest-blog

That has been going rather well. And I have re-discovered my interest and passion for what I do. Which was a bit of a relief after 15 months squirelled down in my burrow feeling almost asexual.

Restarting Sessions and a Guest Blog

I have just started doing in person sessions again – which is the first since early March 2020 - – but only for already established and ‘vaccinated plus 2 weeks’ slaves. I will not be seeing new slaves (even if they have wonderful references and/or recommendations) for a few months – by which time, I will have worked my way back into the swing of things through sessions with familiar slaves.


Some musings on re-entry…

I have not been doing in person sessions since the start of the Pandemic – which was early March 2020 in San Francisco. And for almost all of that time I have been ‘social distancing’ and/or staying home.

First Time

Not mine – I have been doing this for decades – and professionally since 2013. But yours… Are you ready to take that step – and book a session with me…?

I am fortunate enough to have quite a few devoted slaves / sissies – who book to see me every month or two or three. So there are some weeks when I can be quite busy. Even so, I am careful to only book a relatively small number of sessions per week – to ensure that I am energetic and attentive and engaged.

Sweetheart Deal

It’s that time of year… When thoughts turn to romance… Or perhaps to kink and BDSM…?

So in the spirit of the ‘season’, I am offering a ‘sweetheart deal’… a Valentine’s Special…
