Visiting Las Vegas May 22-26 (Updated)

It seems that scheduling sessions with slaves and sissies between the San Francisco / Bay Area, SoCal, and Las Vegas is just getting more and more complicated.

So I have had to push back my Las Vegas trip a week from May 15-22 ( to May 22-26 – albeit with a slightly shorter stay in Las Vegas before heading to SoCal for the Memorial Day weekend…

Visiting Las Vegas May 15-22

Over the past year, once I was fully vaccinated, and now double boosted, during various surges and “windows”, I have been carefully venturing back out into the world – starting to see my slaves and sissies in-person again ( – and starting to travel again (

Guest Blog (Part 3) - Chastity

Over the past week or two, I have been having a fascinating back and forth series of blogs with one of my slaves talking about chastity – see and - talking about what interests them about being in chastity, and my feelings in response. Now they have responded to my response – see below…

Guest Blog (Part 2) - Chastity

Some of my slaves are very interested in chastity. So I asked one of them to Guest Blog about it – which you can read at

But that slave also confessed to a curiousity about how their being in chastity serves me? As it happens, that wasn’t something to which I had given much thought. It just was. Just part of who I am. But now their questions have started me thinking... What is it about Chastity that speaks to me / excites me / intrigues me…?


Some of my slaves are very interested in penis size.
