These are strange times. And, while some of my slaves are keen on seeing me “as usual”, I do notice that some other slaves have concerns…

The US has arguably been slow in appreciating the threat to public health from Covid-19. But things are shifting quickly. And it is now clear that it is significantly more transmissible and significantly more severe (particularly to older / immuno-compromised individuals) than regular seasonal flu – and that we as a society need to be taking extraordinary measures to prevent major mortality.  See .

So, schools are closing, and major events (from sports to fetish events) are cancelling. And from here on in, I am going to be a good citizen – and will be practicing ‘social distancing’. That means that I am avoiding crowds, cutting back on my social life, and rarely going out (only for essential trips for supplies – when I can get them). And sadly I will not be doing person-to-person in-dungeon sessions for the foreseeable future – until the pandemic is clearly passed.

In the meantime…  I have finally activated my Niteflirt account - I will be looking at other services, but for now, if you want to keep in contact with your Mistress, you can use Niteflirt to

  • call me on 1-800-TO-FLIRT (1-800-863-5478) ext: 11315061
  • chat with me.

I look forward to talking to my devoted slaves during these difficult times.

Stay safe…

Ms Emilie