Over the past few weeks I have been nervously watching the Covid numbers. While the data is getting to be more and more unreliable as testing programs are much reduced, it does appear that we are at the start of yet another (Omicron sub-variant) surge.

San Francisco is a highly vaccinated city. But it is also a city with a high proportion of immunocompromised people – some of whom are my friends or part of my local community.

So I have concluded that now is not the time to be heading out on an extended two week trip. As a result I have cancelled booked sessions in Las Vegas and SoCal for now, with the expectation that we will rebook them in a month or two when things hopefully calm down again – when we reach the next low infection window.

I will miss seeing my Las Vegas and SoCal slaves and sissies. And I will miss visiting with my gorgeous friends Dr Kiwi (@vegaskiwi http://drkiwiconsulting.com), Mercedes (@LuvMerceds http://luvmercedes.com), Heather D’Angelo (@HeatherofVegas, https://www.ladiesilove.com/), and April Luv (@AprilLuvvegas).

But there will be other times… Why not start talking to me now - https://msemilieoxford.com/contact

Ms Emilie